Director Mark Lund with Director of Photography Jeremy Blaiklock

"I'm standing trial for a crime I can't remember but my mind does! What the hell am I supposed to do!"
- Henri Miller
The screenplay Justice Is Mind was written in 2010 by Mark Lund. In 2011 Lund teamed with a variety of filmmakers to produce the short film version Justice Is Mind: Evidence in October 2011. Premiering Evidence at the Strand Theatre in Clinton, Massachusetts in January 2012 and after several subsequent theatrical, online and sci-fi convention screenings, Lund raised the funding to produce the feature length version in May 2012.

The screenplay is 120 pages.
The production received over 350 submissions from all over the Northeast. Of that number, 35 were cast in starring, co-starring and support roles.
Justice Is Mind was produced with a crew of 12.
The production cast over 80 background extras.
Justice Is Mind was filmed in 15 locations over 35 days between Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
The production was photographed exclusively on DSLR cameras using multiple-camera set ups. The Canon 7D and 60D were used.
In the story, Henri Miller is charged with a double murder from a memory of his revealed during the FVMRI procedure. The background image you see throughout this website is a still of that memory.
Several crew and actors that were part of the short film returned for the feature. Vernon Aldershoff and Robin Rapoport reprised their roles as Henri and Margaret Miller. Toula Coin returned as the reporter. On the production side, Jessica Killam, Richard Cowdrey, Monique Mercogliano and Adam Starr returned in the same capacity. Mark Lund tapped Jeremy Blaiklock as the Director of Photography. In the short film version, Blaiklock served as the Key Grip. Lund's best friend Kim Merriam lent the production her home again as the Miller residence. Merriam, a court stenographer in the short, served as an FVMRI technician in the feature. In real life, Merriam is a scientist.